You’re being dramatic. You’re ruining Halloween. Just like you ruined Christmas all those years ago. It’s just a sign. It’s just a vote. It doesn’t mean what you think it means. You’re making something of it that it’s just not. This is a waste of time. They’ve done their research. They’ve listened to a podcast. They’ve never read a book or paid attention in civics class. But these are their beliefs.
They don’t mean you. You’re being dramatic. They don’t mean their own family. It’s those other guys. It’s the criminals. It’s the illegals. It’s the economy. They can’t define socialism but they know what it is when Joe Rogan tells them.
They don’t support rape, just a rapist. They don’t like that women are dying. They’re not a misogynist. They’re a girl dad. As long as it’s just other girls dying. They don’t hate immigrants. They just think the immigrants they don’t care about personally can fuck themselves. They don’t hate gays, certainly not you. They just love the haters. They’re not racist. They have Black friends. They’re just voting for a racist, for taxes. They’re not a fascist. They’re pretty sure. They’ve never googled it and looked in a mirror.
Your life experience doesn’t matter. You never listen. They can’t talk to you. You’re being dramatic. That didn’t happen. He never said that. He didn’t mean that. They don’t mean that. You don’t understand. They’re not going to explain it.
They never said that. They weren’t talking about you. You’re exaggerating. Like you always do. Like you always did. It’s not a good time. You’re being dramatic. It’s not that important. You’re making a big deal out of nothing. Why do you even care. Why are you bringing this up again. We don’t talk about that. There’s no need to discuss this. It’s a waste of time.
It’s not a good time. It never was. It never will be again. They’re sorry you feel that way. But you did this. You were offended. It’s only meant to be offend everyone else. It’s not meant to hurt you. Only people they don’t know. It shouldn’t matter. There are more important things. You don’t matter. You’re being dramatic. Your life doesn’t matter. Not right now. It never did. Don’t be dramatic about it.
I just want him gone so badly. Gone from TV, gone from social media. I never want to hear his loathsome voice again. I want all his reptilian surrogates to crawl back under their rocks and stop fucking lying. The lies have gotten so huge and so vile, and they infuriate me so much, and I'm tired. The rage is exhausting. All y'all, just ... go. You are social carcinogens and we are tired of being sick. Oh and we hate you and you have no redeeming qualities. Shut up and let us rest.
All of this. I hate it.