Exactly! I know who I’ll vote for but five minutes in I thought “fuck.” Where’s the guy who did the State of the Union? What is happening?

I’m scared. I’ve been scared for a while. I don’t understand how good people can support the liar. Still, we all know good people who do. People who - because of the family, friends, associates, circumstance, support the liar. And I’m scared.

I joined Postcards to Voters and I write - because I’m scared. I talk politics and explain how things could change forever, because I’m scared.

Today, I’m actually retiring from a job after 32 years. I’m not happy or excited, I’m scared. Not about money, or about giving up a routine. I’m scared we are losing our country, our freedoms, our democracy.

But crawling back into bed and pulling the covers over my head won’t help. Now, I gotta figure out what to do next. How to be less scared.

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Good God. Same. That was terrifying. Biden needs to step the fuck aside and Dems need to quit saying that we can’t win with anyone but a straight white man and we need to put up Pete or Booker or Abrams or Whitmer or somebody who’s smart and can fucking run that racist sexist fascist into the ground.

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Jun 28Liked by Lauren Hough

It's hubris, pure and simple and for all of Ruth Bader Ginsburg's achievements, it was the same with her. No one can do this better than I can, they think.

Write to everyone you can think of in government and ask for an open convention. It's not quite too late. I let my 8 year old granddaughter stay up to watch this because she's really interested. After five minutes she knew Biden was losing it and Trump was lying. And that's not going to change. What happened to the supposed wisdom of elderly people? You have to have learned by the time you are in your 70's that it's time to leave the stage. I have asked my husband to shoot me if I ever start thinking I'm indispensable. No one is.

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One thing that really frustrates me is how much easier it is to focus on one person than it is on an entire system. How much we want to connect, as humans, so we look to these two old men and try to imagine ourselves in relation to them, and if we can't, it feels hopeless. I live in a world that has nothing the do with the worlds these two guys inhabit. I can't see myself in them, or the people with whom they surround themselves. It kills me that the conversation is about these two men, two mini rulers, instead of how we cannot solve our problems without the genius and brilliance and caring and heart of the collective, and what we need to do to de-center the current power structures and build others that can supplement and transform what's here.

This morning the Supreme Court's decisions created waves of impact that are so large, I can't wrap my head around them. I'm not a lawyer, so I struggle to understand how to fight back. The fear that's here, and coming--and I am in it too--kills creativity, kills imagination, kills hope. I just read the story about the white buffalo calf being born in Yellowstone. I want a pathway forward that helps me hold my terror and see the love and hope that's underneath it, in so many people who want and deserve a more balanced way to be; who deserve not to have to work and earn and struggle and not have a moment to just stop. I want to hear the stories of what's happening that's outside this calcified power structure that seems to only know how to perpetuate more destruction, more violence, more inequality.

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Forty years of Republicans driving the car and allowing Wall Street to regulate as it pleases have put us in the ditch. People can’t afford houses because millions of homes are bought up to use as AirBNB, VRBO et al and millions more are bought by KKR and other private equity interests that then jack up the price of ownership (supply/demand) or jack up the rents (monopoly).

I agree the D’s have been way too fucking complacent over the last couple of decades, but anybody “undecided” in this election is not thinking about the under 40’s and the dystopian landscape that Trump will usher in.

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He’s 31.

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I tuned in at like 2:30am from Portugal and had to stop watching because I felt sick. Joe was awful and anyone pretending differently is just adding to the problem. He looked feeble as hell and sounded worse. Obviously I will vote for him. Zero fact-checking as usual for the other guy and I’m sick of yelling at a screen when he lies and no one does anything. I don’t see the upside to these debates. The democrats SUCK at messaging and it’s always been frustrating, but right now it’s hold-your-head-in-your-hands terrifying.

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Thank you again for being a writer. For writing “hard and clear about what hurts” because that debate did fucking hurt and it is warranted. It was like being slapped in the face and being punched in the stomach repeatedly. My mind is still trying to find an optimistic spin. I watched for longer than was probably advisable, turned off the TV, went late to life drawing at the old Firestone store, and stayed past last call like it was the Whitehorse at 2:30am (or whenever the fuck they close). The model took a last pose just for me - I called it the Pink Thinker - maybe making him bright pink was my reaction to watching the gray corpse blink slack-jawed at the projectile-vomiting Liar you so aptly called “a brain damaged Mussolini”.

Please keep talking to people and writing about it. I’ll keep drawing because what the fuck else am I supposed to do. Sign some petitions. Take care of my mother who is even older and more diminished than Biden. Vote of course, but fuck.

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it did fucking hurt

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Lauren, you've summed it up so well. Unfortunately, most people in this country do not have the TIME to read or watch any actual news sources. When people can barely make ends meet and have lost hope for their future ability to buy a house, which used to be an achievable dream, of course they are going to want to vote for someone that seems to have the answers - someone who claims to be a "successful businessman". Even though Trump is not actually interested in the majority of Americans' welfare, unfortunately, he knows how to SOUND like he does. In very turbulent waters, people are going to reach for the hand that appears the strongest. Unfortunately, television is primarily a visual medium..people want a leader that appears strong...it doesn't matter if the strength is coming out of delusion, malice, and incompetence. Like you said, just create a narrative that people can follow, and that can work. I felt like Bush Jr. would win the election after he said five words in the final debate with John Kerry - "I will keep you safe". I thought, F---k, that's it. That's what people are dying to hear. A direct message that gives the illusion that everything will be taken care of. In NO WAY do I want Trump to be President of this country again...this is just terrifying and sad. Like a lot of people have said, the Democratic Party has had a lot of trouble creating a strong message. It IS hard to simplify complex policies, of course, but like we've seen, the average person isn't going to vote for policy, they are voting for a person...they want that person to fit the role and appear "strong". I read recently that Hillary Clinton said that at this stage it would be almost impossible to debate Trump - Biden was set up to do the impossible - face a wall of lies and attempt to respond, maintain composure, form strong rebuttals, AND present a solid strategy to move the country forward. I wish people would remember that you are not only voting for the President, you are voting for that person's entire administration as well. Project 2025 was not mentioned and I hope to God more people become aware of what it entails.

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Excellent piece and so insightful. Every Democratic strategist in DC and swing states should read your post. Your friend represents most of America.

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That was a train wreck for Biden. He confirmed he's too old and not more than a figurehead of who knows who. Pick who you think is really running the country. Trump dodged questions and make shit up, as usual, but no one cares about that. Every person I talked to last election voted for Trump for the economy and they will again. This time there won't be enough people interested or confident enough to vote differently. Bidens ego won't let him step aside and frankly they have no one to put in his place. All eggs went in the Biden basket these last 4 years.

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Yup. I'm fuckin' scared too. I started getting that feeling in the pit of my stomach last night, watching the debate, I had the night the realization the liar was going to win. I had to turn the tv off because I just couldn't take it. So what am I going to do about it? I just don't know. But I sure as shit don't like being scared.

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I don’t know either. They have to give people something to vote for not just yell at them that the other guy is bad. And I don’t know if they know that. They haven’t learned it in my lifetime. I hate being scared but I am.

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You read my mind. You articulate it SO much better than I can.

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I cried. And I don't fucking cry.

We're so fucked.

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Me, too. I'm scared, too.

Love to you for saying it so honestly and clearly

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we have had some wet spots on our ceiling so I called the guy who put our roof in 9 (9!!) years ago, a very good, honest guy, and he walked around and didn't find any issues. Then today the cats and I started noticing weird scuffling sounds from the attic, so I'm calling Aztec in hopes it's raccoons up there peeing on the ceiling. When I found myself desperately HOPING raccoons are peeing on the ceiling--because that's better than the roof caving in or going into deep debt to replace a not very old roof-- it felt familiar. I realized it's exactly how I felt waking up this morning after that goddamned debate. God I hope this country gets raccoons peeing on our ceiling. ANyway: I loved your piece.

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I stuck it out, watched the whole thing, and had the opportunity to shout "Take that, Turdboy!" a few times when Biden made good points during the second half.

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