May 14, 2023Liked by Lauren Hough

You make me laugh and I love you.

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Complaining with panache is a lost art. Thank you for reviving it.

All the self help positive affirmation shit has been grinding my gears for going on at least a decade.

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Sucks about the passport. I’m going to throw this out here again. I have a teeny place in port Townsend (look it up, it’s somewhere you just might want to visit anyway) which is 6 hours from Spokane. I’m going to be there this week but you can camp in my huge driveway and shower/cook in the house. I can show you the good thrift store in town and you can play bingo at the bar down the street with us on Wednesday.

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I appreciate it. But I’m not going that direction. Thank you though!

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Man, sorry about the passport and the AC. Very suckful. Also, I am the master of traveling to places and discovering there's something going on which fills the motels, so I sympathize. Best wishes to you and Woody.

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Im so lucky I found you. No one complains enough

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You could move to France. It’s a national pastime here!

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Right there with you on the menopause or perimenopause or whatever the fuck this shit is. Have I been just a little bit on my period for weeks or is all my reproductive stuff just rotting and dripping out? Why is my vision suddenly worse but somehow in a different way than my vision has gotten progressively worse for the first 48 years of my life? 🙄

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Don’t make me share my week. A girl can cry if she needs to.

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Dang. It must be going around.

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I freaking love your writing!

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Okay, I think you need to title a chapter in this new book “Classing Up the Joint.” Or something. A whole theme has emerged.

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Am I the only one here who lost their official Geek Identity Card when they had to look up "Rivian?"

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I admire your spirit of adventure. I can’t wait to read this book. ♥️

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I seriously love you more with every post.

This book is gonna be hysterical ❤️

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Hey, no worries. Passport replacement via the US State passport website. Send it ahead to wherever you consider a permanent address (family?). Sorry about the cash though. All likely in the local trash incinerators. Also sorry for the WA state parks. And the heat. It's a heat-themed weekend 🔥

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Adding myself to your list of potential hangout/hosts if you come down to Portland after the Canada return!

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Okay, well if you ever find yourself on the Olympic peninsula, remember that you have a place to crash. I’m only there for half of each month so you can likely have the cabin to yourself

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You’re complaining is justified and highly entertaining

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