The book was never just that book. I’m pretty much none of those things, not even American, though I did grow up Catholic so there’s that…. but your book still landed with me. That’s what a good book does. And it was a good book. And now there’s Woody, and the blue bunny and the ghosts, and that means something too. I hope he gets his yard.

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The cafe exchange is truly incredible, I can only imagine the thrill as well as relate completely to the awkwardness. And while I’m sorry you’re gonna have to deal with the actual moving part of moving, I am very excited for you to be in a little house with a yard and family.

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Such a great update. I wish upon you many more sightings of your books in the wild. May the house hunt be successful. Most of all, I wish you and woody much happiness.

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Ghosts are real. How else would you explain the weird shit that started happening in this house after my husband died here? Ive gotten used to his shit, but I've been here alone, talking to the cat w nobody to blame for the bad dishwasher loading so…

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I was just thinking about your book yesterday! My 14yo has decided he wants to be in the Air Force and I thought, "Maybe he should read Lauren's book and see an aspect of the Armed Forces that he does not know..."

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It's also just a tough bitch book, which is why I'm here. And I generally prefer my own company most of the time, but that's the cat in me & I know you're a dog person.

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You deserve joy. <3

(I hardly recognize it when it comes. But it exists.)

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“there’s a line between liking my own company, and writing manifestos about the post office“ This, right here…this turn of words is 🤯 ♥️🔥 Looking forward to reading your roommate stories.

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You already know how much I love this. The pool, the cafe, people out in the wild loving your book because of course they do. Excited for you and Woody and the yard. The move part, not so much.

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I love you two so damned much!

The coffee shop exchange. The blue bunny. Woody getting a yard and you getting some space and privacy soon(single family home vs. thin apartment walls), and a roommate you know you like.

What a fucking feel-good way to start my morning. I know, I know, it's almost (actually past now) noon here. I'm not a morning person, OK?!

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I love the book sighting stories! I've never had one with a stranger, as I am a reclusive weirdo. Poor Woody, I miss the guy. And you. I'd give you a hug but it's been 80F already and that means I'm clammy until Thanksgiving.

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Sully likes sitting on the porch with us and he has a huge (acre+) yard half of which is unmanaged woods. But mostly he likes sitting in the grass or laying in the garden (which only has garlic that got planted last November). What I like is how quickly he absorbs heat from the sun -- he is a black dog after all and there is nothing quite as warm as a black dog laying in the sun.

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"She could’ve found it on the chair and was just reading it because her phone died."

Too funny, too relatable.

I share those visions of one day having a guest bathroom (again), but the yard for the dog is the priority - and I'm committed to LA. Spent 5 hours Saturday running numbers and 'if X then Y' scenarios vs. my dog's current age (8) - I mean, math for so damn long that the groomer called and said "Hey, did you forget? You're usually not late..."

Tossed/donated my growing collection of guest bath pretties so the universe clearly understands yard #1, guest bath #2.

Yay for your upcoming yard!! :)

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I hope you, Woody and Cuz find a perfect new spot!

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I love your joy and also this made me fully snort laugh (I also live alone with my dog and am full of rants) "But there’s a line between liking my own company, and writing manifestos about the post office and I don’t want to get anywhere near that line." xo

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ALSo-Your "joy" moment made me tear up.

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