Nov 30, 2022Liked by Lauren Hough

OMG! I know it's shitty for you, but his breaking into people's houses just cracks me up

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Billy AKA Billy Backhoe had been escaping. I was sure it was the low part of the fence. Went to HomoDepot, bought lattice, ripped some 2x4 into 2x2 and famed up a taller fence. As I was putting it together, from inside the yard, I look over the fence. There's William Backhoe, grinning at me from the front yard. WTF? He had been opening the front gate all along. The new fence looks okay, though. .

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LOL Sounds like a similar episode we had with our chickens. One or two would escape every day, several times a day. We (or, rather, my husband) ran extra bird netting around their pen. Still escaping. Cleared out any areas we thought they were able to get high enough to hop over the netting. Still escaping. Finally noticed where it met the chicken coop the wire fencing had pulled away from the siding. D'oh! All it took was 15 seconds and a couple of staples and we haven't had any more escapees.

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Dec 1, 2022Liked by Lauren Hough

This was a great and funny story. If I had to chastise you it would only be to scold you for making me/us worry something bad had happened to Woody. How will I/we get that 48 seconds of my/our life/lives back? Because I can't be the only one who felt this way.

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Dec 1, 2022Liked by Lauren Hough

Cooper (black lab, staffie, and whippet) says "Tell Woody I feel seen"

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Dec 1, 2022Liked by Lauren Hough

I used to have to lock our latch-type doors when working outside because the dog we had then would let himself back into the house in order to come back outside with something (reading glasses, remote control) he shouldn't have. One of my current dogs will retrieve a ball all day long, unless he starts tracking something -- and the best places to hurl a ball are also, of course, places frequented by deer, etc. I now remain on high alert and avoid dawn and dusk retrieval times, but previously he's scared the shit out of me by taking off in hot pursuit of something, only to return after what seems like a lifetime, tired but happy. Give Woody an extra head scratch for me.

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Everyone, even dogs, needs a pal who'll post bail. Glad to see you're such a pal. Lucky dog.

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Dec 1, 2022Liked by Lauren Hough

He is adorable and you got a smart dog,which in my experience is the best and worst all at one time.I have both really dumb sweet dogs (boxers) and then the smart ones are lab and poodle mixes.They travel with us and do off leash adventures, they also sometimes feel that nothing is louder than the call of the wild....my kids call these "Disney Adventures" the ones where 3 dogs who talk set out to save a kid,right a wrong,rescue a fellow dog or solve the riddles of Christmas.My lab and poodle have had these adventures and it terrifies me but honestly sometimes after I get over the panic of wanting to strangle them, I understand too.... it's hard to always stay on the path and return when told....too many smells and sights and sounds to explore.

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Nov 30, 2022Liked by Lauren Hough

Hurray for paywalls! honestly this is pretty impressive. I have a pitt mix too, but she’s not the brightest crayon - no door opening adventures here.

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Dec 1, 2022Liked by Lauren Hough

Woody! You felonious rascal! Love this story. Clever boy will always keep you on your toes. I'll be on the lookout for you in the neighborhood. Returning in 2 weeks!

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Lauren I know this is distressing for you but I am wheezing.

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Dec 1, 2022Liked by Lauren Hough

What a life to be able to break in wherever you want and have people love you for it. Only a dog can accomplish such a feat. Bravo.

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Dec 1, 2022Liked by Lauren Hough

Sounds like Woody has a great life! 😊

Unfortunately for us pet people, there will always be risks. It’s life…

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My Bryce lifted the fence latch one day to the neighbor’s backyard. The neighbor had his smokers going and the smell of roasting pork was not to be resisted. A few weeks later he opened the gates at doggie day care. Fortunately not the fences to the outside of the doggie daycare. We never went back to doggie daycare. 😁 He was something else.

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Nov 30, 2022Liked by Lauren Hough

OMG ! I have to stop laughing and breathe !! Well done. Woody may not have stolen a turkey yet, but his adventures have induced belly laughs and tears running down my face. Your life will never be dull with Woody.

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He reminds me a lot of Harper. He's terrible but always somehow in the funniest way.

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Nov 30, 2022Liked by Lauren Hough

I have a small German shepherd, who has come a long way in building up confidence from when I first got her. She is so much less nervous around new people and dogs--but along with that comes a bit of what you just described. Little f***er drives me nuts, but love her!

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Nov 30, 2022Liked by Lauren Hough

My friend has a poodle that opens doors. If you stop in NJ on your way north I’d love to buy you both a meal or whatever!

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